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Visit the Knowledge Centre Data & Society website for the latest updates on the program and speakers.

12:00PM-1:00PM Walk-In and Lunch
1:00PM-1:30PM Plenary Opening
1:30PM-4:30PM Parallel Break-Out Sessions


  • Practical tools and methods to implement the AI Act (EN)
  • Data and AI in the workplace: A win-win for all stakeholders? (NL)
  • How should we organise supervision on AI in Belgium (EN)
  • Flemish citizens and AI: Should everyone embrace AI? (NL)
  • Panel discussion on the Flemish AI policy plan: What Is the AI Flanders program now and in five years? (NL)
  • AI Playbooks: What do we need and what is already in place? (EN)
4:30PM-5:00PM Panel Discussion and Closing Remarks
5:00PM-6:00PM Reception

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