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Questions about a (first) individual study program? Join the online information session and Q&A about IST.

This information session is for students in their second year of the bachelor’s program who still have some first-year courses to complete. During this session, we explain how to structure your individual study program and what to consider. There will also be time to answer individual questions.

After attending this information session and Q&A, you will know…

  • ... which rules you need to consider when setting up your (first) individual study program.
  • ... more about the factors that affect your IST (such as study credits, academic progress, class schedules, etc.).
  • ... a personalized answer to your individual questions about your study program.



Are you in your Bachelor’s program and want to start your Master’s already? Join the online information session and Q&A about combined enrollment.

This information session is for students who have nearly completed a bachelor’s, bridging, or preparatory program and wish to start the subsequent master’s program. There will also be time to answer individual questions.

After attending this information session and Q&A, you will know…

  • ... which rules apply to combined enrollment.
  • ... how to complete a combined enrollment process.
  • ... a personalized answer to your individual questions about your combined enrollment.



Questions about changes in your program? Join the online information session and Q&A about program changes. (only in Dutch)

This information session is for students experiencing a program change within their studies and who want to be informed and receive clear guidelines. There will also be time to answer individual questions.

After attending this information session and Q&A, you will know…

  • ... what the program changes are within the faculty.
  • ... what implications these changes might have on your study program.
  • ... a personalized answer to your individual questions about your study program.



Received your grade report but still have questions? Join the online information session and Q&A about deliberations.

This information session is for students who still have questions after receiving their grade report, whether about their proclamation code, deliberation conditions, academic progress regulations, or related matters. There will also be time to answer individual questions.

After attending this information session and Q&A, you will know…

  • ... what the deliberation conditions are.
  • ... which academic progress regulations apply to you.
  • ... a personalized answer to your individual questions about your deliberation results.



Admission to the Master’s Program in Rehabilitation Sciences from Berekuyl Academy

Are you a student transitioning from Berekuyl Academy into the bridging and master’s program in Rehabilitation Sciences at VUB and still have questions about your registration, class schedule, individual study program, academic calendar, etc.? Then feel free to join this Q&A session.

After attending this Q&A, you will know…

  • ... whether your registration and enrollment are fully completed.
  • ... the structure of your individual study program and course package.
  • ... answers to all your practical questions.



Open Drop-in Sessions for Individual Study Program or Combined Enrollment

Have you already attended an information session about your individual study program or combined enrollment and reviewed all the information on the website, but are still stuck in planning your program? Feel free to visit the study program advisors with your additional questions.

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