On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of American renowned writer and civil rights activist James Baldwin, you're invited to listen to the radio play A Kind of Home that was broadcasted for the first time on BBC in 2004.
This play was written by Caryl Phillips and is about Baldwin’s first move to Paris as a young writer and the difficult conditions of bringing his first novel Go Tell It On the Mountain into the world.
It will be followed by a panel discussion on audio drama, biographical fiction and Baldwin’s legacy in the 21st century.
This event is sold out. ONLY for students enrolled in the Postcolonial Literature course (Prof. Bekers), there are still seats available. For them, attendance is mandatory, provided they register by Monday October 7. After this date, the reserved spots will be given to someone on the waiting list.
The world needs you
This event is an initiatiave of VUB's Centre for Literary and Intermedial Crossings (CLIC) and Passa Porta (the International House of Literature in Brussels). It's part of VUB's public programme: a programme for everyone who believes that scientific knowledge sharing, critical thinking and dialogue are an important first step to create impact in the world. As an Urban Engaged University, VUB aims to be a driver of change in the world. With our academic edcuational programmes and innovative research, we contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and to making a difference locally and globally.