Monday 14 October (8:45-17:15)
After connecting to each other, we will have an in-depth look at the Factor 8 framework, an overview of the climate crisis, and an exercise exploring what lies beneath the surface of the iceberg. System thinking will provide us with the essential perspective needed to understand the underlying structures, patterns, and causal relationships influencing our climate system.
After absorbing this knowledge and engaging with one another, it’s time for lunch! Lise Vermeersch and Dirk Aerenhouts will present on sustainable food practices, engaging us in a cooking experience to create a delicious and sustainable meal together.
In the afternoon, experts Cathy Macharis, Niels De Temmerman, Jeroen Poppe, and Julien Blondeau will guide us through the key impact sectors: energy, mobility, and buildings. We’ll wrap up the day with a delightful dinner!
Tuesday 15 October (9:00 – 17:30)
On day 2 in the morning we will first focus on the political context and then look at behavioural change.
And after lunch it’s workshop time! In this workshop we guide you towards the exploration of your own case and the tools you will need to let it shine!