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Welcome and study path assistance (for existing students)  


Guidance with your study path 

After your visit a on campus or digital walk-in moment, you will know: (you come by when it suits you and can leave when your questions have been answered) 


  • You no longer have doubts about your (individual) study path and you know which courses to take and are aware of program changes 

  • You will be able to compose your own study path for 2024-2025, taking into account various aspects (class schedule, study load, study progress rules, etc.) 

  • Have an answer on all of your individual questions 


Questions about an individual study path? Join the online info session and Q&A about the ISP. 

This info session is for students in their second year of bachelor studies, but who still need to complete a few courses from the first year. During this info session, we will explain how to organize your individual study program and what you need to take into account. There will also be time allocated for answering individual questions. 

After attending this info session and Q&A, you will know... 

... which rules to consider when putting together your (first) individual study program. 

... more about the aspects that affect your ISP (such as study credit, academic progress, class schedule, etc.). 

... a personal answer to your individual questions about your study program. 




Are you in your Bachelor’s program and want to start your Master’s already? Join the online info session and Q&A about combined enrollment. 

This info session is for students who are close to completing their Bachelor’s or preparatory program and want to begin their subsequent Master’s program. There will also be time allocated to answer individual questions. 

After attending this info session and Q&A, you will know... 

... which rules to consider for combined enrollment. 

... how to properly arrange a combined enrollment. 

... a personal answer to your individual questions about your combined enrollment. 


Questions about the changes in your study program? Join the online info session and Q&A about program changes. 

This info session is for students who are experiencing a program change within their course of study and want to be informed about it, as well as receive concrete guidelines. There will also be time allocated to answer individual questions. 

After attending this info session and Q&A, you will know... 

... what the program changes within the faculty are. 

... what implications these might have for your study path. 

... a personal answer to your individual questions about your study path. 






Received your grade report but still have questions? Join the online info session and Q&A about deliberations. 


This info session is for students who, after receiving their grade report, still have questions about their proclamation code, deliberation conditions, study progress rules, or other related matters. There will also be time allocated to answer individual questions. 

After attending this info session and Q&A, you will know... 

... what the deliberation conditions are. 

... which study progress rules apply to you. 

... a personal answer to your individual questions about your deliberation results. 


Questions about changes in the Engineering-Architecture programs? Join the online info session and Q&A about the program changes. 

This info session is for students experiencing program changes within their Engineering-Architecture studies who want to be informed and receive concrete guidelines. There will also be time allocated to answer individual questions. 

After attending this info session and Q&A, you will know... 

... what the program changes within the course of study are. 

... what implications these changes might have for your study path. 

... a personal answer to your individual questions about your study pat 

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